Global & Comprehensive
When we started building Dashes we stumbled into a myriad of questions we couldn’t answer. So we asked for help. Today Dash is partnered with over 40 leading business advisors and consulting firms around the world. This way, in addition to our first to market agile reporting service, we can help partners extract maximum value from the data we help them track.
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Better Together
Our reporting interface works on any device, and was designed with mobile-first in mind. We headline every Dash with “nuggets” highlighting the most critical grab-n-go information to support true ‘at-a-glance’ reporting. Leaders can get a real-time status check anywhere they are, delivered through a UI so simple they can check between meetings, on the go, or at a moments’ notice.
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“Dash delivers a level of clarity that only comes with data driven agile and visually dynamic reporting. BI comes from making good business decisions from these deeper insights.”
Peter Selby,
CEO of Business Drivers
Almost Every Industry…
If you can name it, we’ve probably worked on a visualization for it. The advantage of our extensive partner program brings us decades of expertise where we need it most. Today we’re working on projects in all of the following:
— Logistics
— Manufacturing
— Energy
— Marketing & Communications
— Software & IoT
— Venture Capital & Private Equity
To learn more, or see some of our dashboards email
nick@mydash.aiFind a Partner