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May 29, 2022

Most Common Dashboard Design mistakes

Have you been devoting your time and energy to dashboards that no one cares about? Fix these dashboard design flaws and see what happens!

Data Dashboards are a useful tool for tracking and evaluating business performance in real-time. A poorly designed Dashboard, on the other hand, might easily nullify this benefit. If done incorrectly, your dashboard design might overburden users with unnecessary data, make it difficult to unearth critical insights, and discourage regular use.

Understanding the function dashboards play in your organization — how they should achieve and how different users operate them — is critical to building effective dashboards. Once you grasp this, you can begin creating dashboards that serve a true purpose rather than simply being data dumps with no added value.

So, if you're putting your heart and soul into dashboards that no one appreciates, keep reading to find out:

Why does a Dashboard design play an important role?

The design of a dashboard is crucial not only because it is the first thing people see when they log in to their account, but it also influences how quickly users can access and process information.

A data-driven application's dashboard is its heart. Users may view the most significant information at a glance, comprehend the relationships between data points, and make decisions based on the information they obtain. The dashboard's design makes it possible to present complex data in an easy-to-understand format. You can give your users all the data in the world, but they won't be able to understand it without adequate visualization.

Finally, failing to follow dashboard best practices might make your dashboard difficult to use, as well as leave an unfavorable impression. Despite this, many organizations continue to underinvest in good dashboard design.

So, let's get started.

What are the most common Dashboard design mistakes?

Too many different types of data on a single visualization:

Have you ever heard of the term "information overload"? This is what happens when you cram as much information as possible into a single visualization.

"Probably the greatest dashboard mistake I've ever made was putting hundreds of pieces of information on one board," says Rafal Mlodzki of Passport Photo Online. It became so intricate that I lost control and didn't understand the data at all after a while. Now I realize it was the result of my desire to do everything myself, without the assistance of experts. That was a pretty immature business approach."

Suggested: Report vs Dashboard: What's best for you?

Lack of context

A lack of context in your dashboard design, which is also high on the list, confuses and inconveniences your users. They'll have to search deeper to grasp the tale the supplied data communicates if they don't have context.

As a frequent user of various dashboards, William Donnelly of Lottie says that "in recent times," a lack of context has been a common problem. "Since a dashboard is essentially a data summary, each component should be constructed to reflect a single element with the appropriate data.Let's say a sales dashboard for quarterly sales contains historical data because it's more useful for tracing the company's overall growth. It's vital to remember that what appears on the dashboard is just as important as how you present it to the audience. When I had my dashboard implemented by a third party, the identical problem arose, with a lack of context reigning supreme.”

If there are Too Many Colors

True, colors provide life to a dashboard. But, as with anything excellent, there should be a limit. Once you understand the composition of colors and how they interact, using colors in a dashboard can be quite straightforward and enjoyable. This article will provide you a basic yet effective method for communicating more effectively with colors.

If there are Too Many Designs

An overly cluttered design, such as having too many colors, can distract and confuse your users instead of trying to engage them.

If There is no user consideration.

It's impossible to overestimate the value of a user-friendly dashboard design.

Will your users use a PC or a mobile phone to access your dashboard? Will they like features such as dark mode, which reduces eye strain? These types of inquiries will assist you in creating a dashboard design that your consumers will enjoy.

If the language is unclear.

Context can be aided – or hampered – by the language you choose. When developing a dashboard, many people forget that not everyone in their business speaks the same language or understands the same abbreviations.

An MQL is something that a marketing manager will understand, but a customer operations manager may not. The purpose of a dashboard is to be understood at a look, not after you Google what a KWR is (keyword report for those who don't want to Google it).

The failure to review and revise

As much as we'd all like to believe we do things perfect the first time, that's not the case. Dashboards are in the same boat. There will almost certainly be things that don't work or changes in conditions, no matter how much time and forethought you put into it at the start of the process.

Many people, however, regard dashboards as set-it-and-forget-it tools. They establish a dashboard, double-check that it is pulling in current data, and then abandon it. Of course, they check for current data, but they don't check to see if it's still appropriate for purpose.

Therefore, with your stakeholders, go over your dashboards on a regular basis! Request feedback to verify that they are being heard, that their aims are being met, and that they are generally valuable. If you answered no to any of these questions, don't be scared to update your data and layout. Dashboard should be a dynamic product that is always evolving in order to ensure that it is doing its function.

Winding up 

Only when dashboards are properly built can they be beneficial. The most important thing you can do is plan ahead. If you do that, the rest of the elements should fall into place. But keep in mind that if your design isn't working, there's no shame in changing it. Simply ensure that any resources or software you use to construct your dashboards are versatile and configurable so you can create stunning dashboards that keep you and your company on track to meet your objectives.

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